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apap EU kulture programme

Kultura promjene

Make a Forest

A world of trees makes one big forest

Could one artificial tree make a difference locally, and many artificial trees globally? Why not Make a Forest together.

Make a Forest is a global, collaborative art and design project that brings sustainable awareness and creativity together in a way never seen before.

From Amsterdam to Seoul, Zagreb to Taipei, Toronto to Santa Cruz de la Sierra and many places in between, in 2011 cultural institutions all over the globe will make an artificial tree together with artists, designers, students and other creatives. Each tree adds to a worldwide artificial forest that grows and grows on All tree making activities are supported by local research and lectures on foresting and deforestation.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:13

Priopćenje za tisak - Make a Forest


Pokretanje međunarodnog kulturnog programa Make a Forest ('Napravi šumu') Svjetska inicijativa nadahnuta projektom Ujedinjenih naroda kojime se 2011. godina obilježava kao Međunarodna godina šuma

U srijedu, 23. ožujka, kulturne poduzetnice Anne van der ZwaagJoanna van der Zanden pokrenut će projekt 'Make a Forest'. Cilj je ove inicijative podići razinu svijesti o ekološki održivom upravljanju šumama stvaranjem poveznice između prirode i kulture. Zamislite kulturnu šumu, jednako onako različitu i dinamičnu kakva je i prava šuma, kako bi to izgledalo? Kulturne i obrazovne institucije diljem svijeta kao i lokalni umjetnici, arhitekti i dizajneri pozvani su da sudjeluju u stvaranju ove virtualne šume. Ona će se oblikovati u 2011., godini koju su Ujedinjeni narodi prozvali Međunarodnom godinom šuma. Platforma bit će središnje mjesto svih aktivnosti. Ondje će se moći pratiti razvoj ove jedinstvene šume, od Nairobija do Seula, Amsterdama do Santa Cruz de la Sierre i svih drugih gradova koji će sudjelovati u projektu.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:06

Priopćenje za tisak - Ujedinjeni narodi

Međunarodna godina šuma – “Šume za ljude”

Izjava Achima Steinera, podtajnika UN-a i izvršnog direktora UNEP-a

2011. godina je Međunarodna godina šuma i proslave su službeno pokrenute tijekom 9. sjednice Foruma UN-a o šumama u New Yorku. 

Ova godina, kao posljedica Međunarodne godine biorazličitosti, predstavlja priliku da daljnji razvoj našeg rada na održivom šumarstvu prebacimo na jedan viši nivo. 

Šume su problem koji je direktno povezan sa životom, problem koji se tiče klimatskih promjena i drugih pitanja okoliša; UN-ovih Milenijskih ciljeva razvoja i održivog razvoja u cjelini.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:05

Manifest o sretnom i zadovoljnom bilju

Povijest svakog dosadašnjeg društva je između ostalog i povijest odnosa čovjeka prema bilju. Čovjek i biljka stajali su često jedan prema drugom u suprotnosti, vodili neprekidnu, čas skrivenu čas otvorenu borbu, borbu koja se ponekad nažalost završavala propašću nekih biljnih vrsta.

Moderno društvo nije premostilo nerazumijevanje. Ono je stvorilo samo nove nepoznanice, nove uvjete uzgoja, nove oblike borbe na mjesto starih.
Ali naša epoha odlikuje se time što je ogolila suprotnosti. Cijelo se društvo sve više i više dijeli na dva velika različita tabora, na dvije velike klase koje stoje neposredno jedna naspram druge – one koji biljke poštuju kao živa bića (Krajobrasci revulucionari) i one koji ih ne poštuju (obični Krajobrasci i svi ostali).


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:04

The crane!


Last Friday and Saturday we finished our busy week paving the way to the first urban garden in a roof in Zagreb. This time the crew decided to do the first pilot of such a garden on the top of the SC student’s restaurant. The roof has a great area facing towards the south-west and it has a terrace. On Friday we finished three more containers and started using the crane.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:03

Finishing the first phase!

28-04-2011 / Finishing the first phase!

Today we were back to the SC terrace after the Easter break. It was not sunny like last week and small drops of rain fell the majority of our working time on the terrace but of course that didn’t stop the team of getting our tasks done. We finished building two more containers and before covering the them with plastic we discovered wide gaps in the pallets that could cause losing of stones even after placing the plastic. So we covered these gaps in the bottom of the containers with some spare wood we still had.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:03

Filling the containers...


After Easter we worked half of the week, but we managed to finish the containers and add the substrate to get the containers ready for planting. As we explained before, the substrate is a mix of different soils. The containers had around one third of forest soil and the rest was black composted organic matter.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:02

Making of an Urban Garden 2!

Place of event: Zagreb

May-October 2011 

In May, 2011 in the framework of Urban festival 2011 we are starting an Urban Garden at the terrace of the Student Centre’s Klub. It is an initiative by BLOK (Urban festival), Daniel Rodik, Dražena Pavlović Lučić, Ivan Gregov, Naturalistas, SC-Culture of Change and Vladimir Tintorić. The aim is to start first urban garden pilot project in Zagreb city as a public space for communal production, socialization and knowledge-exchange by setting up the place, gathering the group of people and producing vegetables and other plants for one season.

The project will include various workshops on composting, seeding and harvesting free for all the interested public. 


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 09:01

Making of an Urban Garden - 1st public workshop!

Place of event: Zagreb

Today was a long day. We first met at the afternoon to get the space ready for the first workshop. Some work had to be done like finishing two extra containers and cleaning the space a bit. The dynamic of the crew has been very good since the very beginning, and we are slowly discovering and figuring out roles among us, which is a positive thing but also challenging for the future activities. One thing that has been common among the group is the call for meetings during our presence in the terrace, small spontaneous gatherings to figure out what to do next after finishing a task. The reason this is happening has to do with the way we work, everyday we meet we have tasks to do that are derived from the continuation of the previous day or from the proposals of new tasks from the exchange of emails.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 08:55

Akcije u urbanom povrtnjaku!


PREDAVANJE: Očuvanje genetske raznolikosti kultiviranog bilja

RADIONICA: Sjetva i sadnja starih hrvatskih sorti

6. svibanj 2011., 18 h
SC, Savska 25, Terasa kluba SC

Voditeljica: Božica Papeš-Mokos

Predavanje i radionica će trajati 2 do 3 sata, a sudjelovanje je besplatno! Poželjno ali ne i obavezno je donijeti vlastite vrtlarske rukavice.

Broj sudionika je ograničen na 30, molimo Vas da svoj dolazak potvrdite na ili sms-om na 091 256 56 56. Za sva pitanja, također smo vam na raspolaganju!


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 08:52

Transplanting time


Last Friday after getting the plants, three of us started to transplant the first group of seedlings. It was a cloudy day and actually with rainy forecast on the way so perfect timing for the occasion. Because we have many different plants but also space constraints, we based the placing of the seedlings on the smart criteria that when doing interplanting we shall mix the fast growing with slow growing ones and also take into account their growing behaviour like heights, sizes and time to harvest.


Zadnja izmjena: 13. Prosinac 2011. u 08:59